Sunday, April 11, 2010


I like tea. Also, teapots and cups in which to pour tea. Here are some tea related items I love.
These cups (shown above) from Uptown Avenue are super cute. Yeah, I know that they're mustaches placed on already made cups, but I'm okay with that and love them for their simplicity and quirkiness.

This teapot from Storytelling Ravens is SO cute. It's charming. It's dear. It screams tea time.

This teapot by Floating Earth Ceramics is awesome for its functionality as well as unique design. I love trees possibly more than my love for tea, so combining the two really raises the bar for future works to impress me.

This last teapot
, by JStu, is so FUN. I have to admit, the hat is slightly throwing off my love for it, but the clever craftsmanship of the actual elephant, as well as the skill of making it LOOK like an elephant, makes up for the bright 'hat'. And it's FUNCTIONAL. I love it. The shop also has an amazing amazing amazing Fish teapot that I would like in my possession as we speak.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pretty Awesome.

I have an unhealthy obsession with bags. (such as Caged and Free from Anthropologie)

Though I have a larger obsession with staying out of debt, so really I suppose it hasn't crossed the line into unhealthy yet. (But I really like Alfresco, also sold by Anthropologie).

There's something to be said about a wonderful, large bag (perhaps a Twisted Metal Doctor's Bag from Urban Outfitters).

Oh well, wishful thinking for now.

Friday, April 2, 2010


This skirt by NY and Co makes me very happy for spring. I wore it to clinic, only to have my supervisor exclaim "whoa! you have legs!!". This immediately made me self-conscious that perhaps I was underdressed for clinic, but also pretty excited. I paired mine with a blue shirt, as I am way too pale to pull off too much white.